During pursuits, you will be trying to earn one or more of several different types of milestones. You must reach these milestones to earn the right to challenge a Blacklist racer. Of course, you have to successfully evade pursuit in order for any of the milestones to count. Many of the milestones can be completed in a single pursuit. For example, you could have a single pursuit that earns you Bounty, Cost to State and Trade Paint milestones.
a) Bounty
You have to earn a minimum bounty during a pursuit to reach this milestone. You get the highest bounty for immobilizing police cruisers, so hitting pursuit breakers, ramming cop cars, etc. is your best bet for racking up your bounty.
b) Cost to State Challenge
During the pursuit, you must rack up a minimum amount of charges to the state. Destroy cop cars, civilian cars, tollbooths, gas stations, etc.
c) Infractions Challenge
Commit a minimum number of infractions to reach this milestone. There are eight different infractions:
- Speeding: drive fast
- Excessive Speeding: drive faster
- Reckless Driving: drive at top speed
The speed necessary to get one of the three Speeding infractions varies depending on the performance of the car you're driving and the area in which you are driving. Generally, on the highways, you can get a speeding ticket in the 120 - 150 mph range, excessive speeding between 160 - 190 and reckless driving at 200+. You can get these infractions at lower speeds on city streets.
- Ramming a Police Vehicle: self-explanatory
- Hit and Run: ram a civilian vehicle
- Damage to Property: hit light poles, tollbooths, signs, etc.
- Driving off Roadway: drive on anything not the main road, even sidewalks
- Resisting Arrest: automatic when you evade the police
In order to earn an infraction, there must be at least one cop car near you when you commit the crime.
d) Photo Ticket
You have to be clocked at a certain speed (or faster) when passing through the photo ticket icon. These milestones cannot be made during a pursuit, but you can do them either in free roam (icons show on your map) or by using the Milestones selection on the Blacklist menu.
e) Pursuit Evasion
You have to evade police (i.e. end a pursuit) in less than a specific amount of time. This type of milestone can rarely be combined with any other milestone. The best way to complete this milestone is to use a car. With Heat level 1, as the level 1 cops are easier to outrun or outmaneuver.
f) Pursuit Time Challenge
This milestone requires that a pursuit last more than a specific amount of time. Starting a pursuit at Heat level 1 (and driving slowly and carefully so the level 1 cops can keep up) is a good way to start on a Pursuit Time Challenge.
g) Roadblock Challenge
Dodge a minimum number of police roadblocks to earn this milestone. Roadblocks don't show up until Heat level 2, so you might want to start at that Heat level to earn this milestone quickly.
h) Spike Strip Challenge
This milestone requires you to dodge a minimum number of roadblocks that have spike strips. Spike strips begin showing up at Heat level 4; if you aren't already using Speed breaker when you approach a roadblock, you definitely want to begin doing so once you reach Heat 4. Spike strip roadblocks dodged also count towards regular roadblocks dodged.
i)Trade Paint
This is pretty simple: just bump fenders (or outright total--your choice) a minimum number of police cruisers. Each cruiser can only be "tagged" once, so ramming one car over and over doesn't help. Hitting cars in a roadblock counts as tagging vehicles. If you don't have many cops on your tail, you can turn around and keep ramming through roadblocks, hitting a different car each time.